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Multi-Season User

 * 6 Time NCGA Corn Yield Winner

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Rick Cook Farm

 Lingle, WY says it best:

"Here's to SNX30"

How does SNX30 perform after planting in WET and COLD conditions?

Rick Cook Farms, comparing strips with SNX30 after persisting extremes of wet and cold weather events during planting -- then jumping to 105 degrees.


Planting in "Wyoming sand" with very low organic matter (low rain and wind capital of lower 48 states), the deeper green color of the SNX30 rows becomes apparent in this field pic -- while reducing fertilizer cost over 70% without sacrificing yield. 

Rick is using SNX30 with banding, in-furrow and pivot applications in Lingle, WY

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 Resisting oxygen starvation while using SNX30 to reduce fertilizer use over 70%: record yield up to 270 bpa with best ROI .

Rick is using SNX30 with banding, in-furrow and fertigation applications

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After trying many new inputs over the years, Wallace Anderson (below) was skeptical about using SNX30. Like most farmers, Wallace thought it was too good to be true. However, his belief and determination to find a better way convinced him to make the right decision and try SNX30.

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Multi-Season User

*5 Time NCGA Corn Yield Contest Winner *Georgia Corn Commission Board Member

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Wallace Anderson Farm of Ellijay, GA. Corn yielded best ROI using SNX30 with over 70% less fertilizer.  With record wheat, he also yielded 16.9% more with SNX30 using the previous season's chicken litter to grow corn. 

Here is another one of SmartNute's SNX30 crops with near perfect emergence, row stand uniformity and early growth vigor while reducing fertilizer cost (plus other benefits) and getting the best ROI.

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