Why the Department of Agriculture scorned the SNX30 Fertilizer Supplement
More proof from the Department of Agriculture and the Better Business Bureau that SNX30 lives up to its reputation:
While SmartNute was reaching out to advance conventional farming, strip-till farming, no-till farming and cover crop biomass results, the Department of Agriculture falsely accused the SNX30 fertilizer supplement of fraud due to unbeaten and extraordinary claims.
Among other things, SNX30 also claims to reduce fertilizer use over 70% and increase yield 12 bpa or more depending on soil organic matter -- a claim unheard of in farming.
After a 9-month investigation, the Department of Agriculture admitted they made a mistake accusing SNX30 and dismissed the fraud accusation (WI Docket No. 22-5-332).
You can also verify with the Better Business Bureau to confirm there are zero complaints about SmartNute and SNX30.
With SNX30, farmers can also apply it as foliar anytime during the season too and increase yield without increasing fertilizer.
Using SmartNute products is a great addition to your "toolbox" like strip-till, no-till and cover crops.
But, WITHOUT the sky-high equipment cost, learning curve and maintenance expense in time, labor and money lost.
With an added per acre cost as low as $1.40 and greater yield and profitability, it's a win-win.
Ask yourself, "What would I do with greater yield and $100 to $225 more profit per acre?"
Examples of yield and profit increases:
As noted below, Rick's silage yielded 3.3 tons (10.3%) more at $37 per ton, for a record total of $122 more profit per acre with very low organic matter. His grain corn also yielded record farm results using SNX30.
Yield increases on other SNX30 crops range from nearly 7% to 16.9% with over 70% less fertilizer depending on soil organic matter.
According to the 2024 Iowa State Cost of Crop Production, NPK for 202 bpa corn following soybeans, the fixed rate cost was $277 and the variable rate cost was $167.25.
So, at $125 per acre fertilizer savings ($167.25 variable rate cost x 75% less = $125 savings), and using the Iowa State cost results earlier, this fits into the $100 to $225 question above, "What would you do with that much more profit this season?" It gets better...
For 222 bpa corn following soybeans, the fixed rate cost was $301 and the variable rate cost was $181.72 for NPK only. The variable rate using 75% less fertilizer with SNX30 = $136.29 savings.
For corn following corn (Iowa State results), the fixed rate cost was $332 and the variable rate cost was $200.32 for 204 bpa. The fertilizer savings on a $332 fixed rate cost at 75% less fertilizer savings = $249.
All of these costs are for NPK only and do not include cost/savings of micros. Since your soil may not be as productive as Iowa soil, your normal input costs may be greater.
But, your fertilizer savings using SNX30 can be 50% to 75% greater too...
Using SNX30 with over 2.5% soil organic matter, you can reduce NPK (plus micros and biostimulants) cost per acre by 50% to 75%.
The extreme limit is 83% fertilizer reduction but not recommended for new users.
If you have under 2.5% organic matter, then use SNX30 for increasing yield only -- like Rick did at $122 more profit per acre.
As the Chief Scientist for SmartNute products, I will continue to support farmers from an over-reaching government trying to suppress SNX30.
100 years ago no one was expecting to land humans on the moon or have 7 probes surveying Mars.
Yet, here we are 100 years after the introduction of hybrid corn and SNX30 is the miracle-like fertilizer supplement no one was expecting.
You may be thinking this is too good to be true, just like Wallace Anderson (5 time NCGA corn yield winner and Georgia Corn Commission Board Member) and most other users thought -- but they had the foresight to take the next step and use SNX30.
Since NCGA corn yield winners plus other farmers and agronomists have proven that SNX30 works for them, you may want to experience how well it works for you too without cost or risk.
Months or years from now you want to avoid losing out on the pre-season profit and increased yield SNX30 can offer you and find yourself thinking, "Shoulda done that years ago."
Now you can learn what farmers from 21 states and 20 countries worldwide already know. We want to be part of your success too with our no upfront cost offer.
Lee Roberts
Chief Scientist
Our Mission – SNX30 is positioned to advance the global fertilizer market for the benefit of farmers and also deliver a sustainable carbon solution through a 70+ year leap in science.