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 Use with starter, in-furrow, 2x2, Y-DROP, banding, foliar, fertigation, etc. applications

QUICK MIX – Using the SNX30+ Drops Method. Whatever size tank you use, divide the total number of gallons the tank holds by 15 and this will tell you the number of drops of SNX30+ to add to the tank.


For example, let's say you normally use a 300-gallon tank filled with NPK, micros, etc. Divide 300 by 15 and you get 20 drops. Always round up. If you have a 50-gallon tank, use 4 drops, etc. 


Each time you make a pass across the field with your tank mix of NPKs, micros, fish fertilizer, slurry manure, liquid poultry litter or compost tea add SNX30+ to your mix at one drop per 15 gallons of tank mix.


If you've already added solid biostimulants (manure, poultry litter, etc.) or hard fertilizer broadcast to your field, use water only in your tank with SNX30 at one drop per 15 gallons of water and a rate of 20 gallons of water per acre. 

The Hidden Culprit That Can Rob Your Yield and Profitability

Soil pH may not seem that crucial until you consider how it can rob your yield and profitability through poor nutrient uptake.


There's a lot of talk about fertilizer application, strip-till, no-till, cover crops and more. But, the foundation to all of these best practices is correct soil pH.


Check out the graph below and see how you've been robbing yourself without knowing it. Target 6.5 pH for corn and 5.8 to 6.2 for a corn/soybean rotation (up to 6.8 depending on crop). Keep in mind at some of these recommended pH levels some nutrients will fall out and may need to be added.

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